Ragballs and Rifles Part 2
(If you haven’t read Part 1, please scroll down a bit....)
John 8
9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"11"No one, sir," she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."
I am a member at First Baptist in Montgomery. The reason I like this church is that it seems to "get it"–from the pastor on down. Jay (and that is what we call him, not reverend or even pastor, simply Jay) has a way of effortlessly pointing us to the Master, and if he ever does refer to himself, it is in terms of self deprecating humor or his own failings and desperate need for a Savior. His words from the welcome on our web site sum it up:
First Baptist is not perfect. We are sinners, saved by grace, who thirst to be like our Lord Jesus Christ. We are an assembly of the forgiven, and we welcome you among us.
Seems to be working. It is the only downtown church that is experiencing exploding growth and the Wednesday night Power House draws teens from all over the city. I count it a great privilege that Jay baptized our son, Stephen, as he entered into his own relationship with Christ about 4 years ago.
I give you this opening not as an advertisement, but to let you know that this has not always been my experience with churches in my past.... I have heard this before and I believe there is some truth to it: Christians are the only Army that will kill their wounded.
OK, here come the ragballs and rifles. Here is a ruse we use (guilty, by the way):
Phone conversation—(favorite tool of the devil)
"Hey Jerry, Lance here....yea...uhmm.....listen we need to pray for Rob Ragball.....well yea, I know what’s going on but...I really shouldn't tell you...(load the magazine tube with .38's)...he’s just had some problems...(chambering the cartridge)......ok don’t tell anyone....with adultery.....(READY).....no! not with her, she’s a total loser!....(AIM)....it’s Donna, you know, Harry’s wife...(FIRE!)....but we need to stand in the gap for Rob Ragball and pray that he will turn from his wickedness (BANG!)....and Donna too...(Bang!)....no, I don’t think Harry knows....(BOOOOM!)....I heard it was the La Quinta....(BING! BANG! BOOM!)
Get the picture? Remember the Rifle Golfing game? A wounded Rob Ragball continues to get pulverized until we run him out of our sight or he gets as far away from us as possible to survive. Gossip, using the guise of prayer. Please.
This one is even better...or worse...that is. A friend of mine said she was actually in a ladies prayer group once and they started praying for a church member to be delivered from alcohol and pain pills ( This was not a known fact). It so shocked my friend that she put the big black X by that group. Could this one be the shotgun skeetball game? Just blast ‘em over the loblollys to the land of serpents and varmits!
Please don’t think I am indicting the whole Christian community with this kind of behavior. Sadly though, I must plead guilty.(Short Proverbs break: "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise. Prov10:19) Since we’re back to the Bible, let me finish by going to that beautifully haunting story in John 8:
Jesus the man’s Man, took the opposite approach. His first goal was to get these religious hypocrites out of poor woman's sight. Why did the older ones leave first as He was writing in the dirt? I have heard this explanation before, and it is speculation.... Maybe he wrote the word ‘extortionist' in the dirt....or ‘fornicator’....or ‘embezzler’....it might have shocked them into reality...hmmm...possible.... Alone, He converses in a very private and loving manner, forgives her sin, and tells her to leave that way of life.
He is the one who forgives; I am so aware of that awesome truth, but could it be that He is urging me to follow His methods? Can people trust me with their confidence? Will the wall of shock and awe go up and keep me from listening and ministering to the walking wounded in His army? Time will tell....but I do "get it" Lord.....
Mark the Mad Hatter
Prov 17:22
The Hatter will be off his rocker for a day or two, stay tuned...and invite a friend!