A merry heart doeth good like medicine;
But a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Prov 17:22
"Gitdasquirrel!" This is a one word command that we taught Belle, our eight year old Golden, during the destructive days of puppyhood. I have always been a big fan of watching songbirds and hummingbirds fill the back yard, and keep my feeders full of black oil sunflower seeds and sugar water for their dining pleasure. I love watching Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal as they arrive early and close up shop at dusk; the bright red male snatches a seed and flits over to the fence and gives it to his sweet singing girl. I have read that cardinals will mate for life; I don’t know how true it is, but I do know that this selfless act would seem to confirm this. During this time of the year, I have counted approximately 50 ruby throated hummers zipping around the back yard fighting like a WWII dogfight over the Pacific.
Now, where there are sunflower seeds, there are squirrels. I have given up long ago trying to keep them out of my feeders. They give me as much pleasure as the birds. I developed this game with Belle years ago, using the command “GITDASQUIRREL!” Upon hearing my voice, she will bound out of the deepest nap and stand by the french doors shaking like Luther (Don Knotts) in The Ghost and Mr. Chicken. As I slowly open the door, she bolts like Wile E. Coyote, and just like the cartoon, she has never been able to catch that road running squirrel. What can I say? One of those ‘merry heart’ moments.
SteveO used to abuse me when he was younger, saying, “Dad! Don’t you get it? She is never going to catch that squirrel!” Now, I find him playing the same game, following the lead of his Mom and Dad, who have long believed in Proverbs 12:10..."A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal..." I think Belle has more fun than we do.
Speaking of Proverbs, you have seen me end my blogs with a signature and Prov. 17:22: "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones." It is a scripture I dearly love, especially the KJV, and I take a high dose of ‘merry’ for my heart each day. It has added as much to the therapy of my recovery as my exercise and BP meds, maybe more. This has not always been the case. There have been times in my life that have been racked with darkness and despair. I am not about to open a sermon now about how you need to be set free from your desolation and live a happy life. As I have stated before, I embrace everything that has occurred in my past, as it makes up the “me” of today. But I have learned that this simple Proverb has given me new life and love, peace and contentment, and most of all laughter.
Simple things that result in the smirking of my soul:
Reciting lines to The Waterboy with SteveO while AllieCat, AKA Debra Barone, feigns disgust:
Bobby Boucher: Nice hit, Mama.
Mama Boucher: Thanks baby. Now you go on and have some fun becomin' a man.
Reciting the lines to Sling Blade with some dear friends:
Vaughan Cunningham: You always seem to be deep in thought. Tell me, what are you thinking right now?
Karl: I was thinkin', I'm gonna take me some of these taters home with me.
Vaughan Cunningham: How about before that?
Karl: Well, let me think... I was thinkin' I could use me another couple cans'o that potted meat if ya got any extree.
Listening to the Tarzan Yell
Nobody beats Johnny Weissmuller's Tarzan. Nobody!
See, it takes so little to entertain me anymore.... See ya for now, gotta go get some more medicine...”Belle! Getdasquirrel!”
Mark the Mad Hatter
Prov. 17:22
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