Sunday, June 24, 2007

Like a Duck to Water

As a deer pants for the water brooks,
So my soul pants for Thee, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God;
When shall I come and appear before God?
Ps 47:1-2

We are suffering through a terrible drought in the deep south. Alabama has been hit particularly hard; my dad has been buying hay to feed his cattle well into the time of year when the pastures should be full of Bahiagrass. I took this picture of a fence line recently just show the magnitude of the parched earth in our corner of the country. Please pray for rain. We have had precious little this summer as this picture speaks for itself.

One thing I refuse to do, however, is let my plants suffer. I am not a water-waster, but I have a few spots of beauty, at least to me, in my yard that give me pleasure to look upon, and I will put the sprinkler on these areas a couple times a week. The crape myrtles and the lantana flowers in what I call the ‘island’ of my front yard are doing great, as is the little birdbath garden. My three birdbaths are gulped dry on a daily basis, by the way.

Recently, I was watering the ‘island’ and a rustle from behind startled me. I turned around and much to my delight was a couple of Mallards, a male and a female. Someone had told me recently that the Mallards in the area are drawn to the sprinklers like a to water. (Sorry)
About a week later, my neighbor was watering his yard, and a copious amount of water fell on my driveway near the birdbath garden. I was gratified to see the couple return, and they spent a good hour under the refreshing shower.

The scripture from Psalms has always been one of my favorites. It is a wonderful simile that reminds us as deer and ducks are drawn to water naturally for the very sustenance of life, we should be drawn to the living waters of Christ to keep us alive spiritually.

It is odd to me that over the course of my life as a Christian, I have sometimes done the opposite. When things get parched spiritually, instead of seeking out spiritual waters, I just let the crevice in the dry ground get larger. When the instincts of God’s creatures give me a perfect example in the natural, it should be a no brainer to apply it to my spiritual life.

Still, as I have aged as a believer, I have learned to go drink from the living water, regardless of the circumstances. In it I find life, and that life in Christ is more than emotion, shallow comfort, or temporary pain.

His sprinkler is on for all of us, get out the Slip ‘N Slide and enjoy the days of your youth, coupled with a deep satisfaction to your soul.

Please say a prayer for our state and our region, that the drought would end soon and our land will once again be teaming with life.
