Chariots of Fire

Then it came about as they were going along and talking, that behold there appeared a chariot of fire...
2 Kings 2:11
The picture is the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, a breathtaking theatrical venue located in our fair city, with a reputation as the finest Shakespeare theater in America. Each season features a few works by Shakespeare and a few modern plays for us Bard challenged patrons.
So, what brings me to the grounds of the Shakespeare Festival? A CAR SHOW! As one who has 2 diplomas from what many call the "Cow College" (Auburn), the joke is that an Auburn grad's cultural development is agriCULTURE. Hey, I can take it. I would much rather look at old cars than try to figure out what the heck is going on inside this beautiful building anyway. So I am going to share some pics I took at the car show; I hope some of these 'chariots of fire' bring back some memories for some of you! You should be able to click on the pics to enlarge.

My dream car. Born in the great year of 1956, my birth year, this little T Bird is a flat out

A couple of memories for my brother, Jeff: Remember this beauty under the revolving glass dome at the 1964 World's Fair? It was Ford's way of introducing the little Pony to the world.
And this Honda 90, ok, we had the scrambler versions, but look closely and you can see

And Pop and Mom, here's your old Ford, the only thing missing was the black and red checked interior!

I put a model of this Lincoln together when I was a kid. Jeff and I probably destroyed it with M-80 firecrackers at some point in our childhood.

Pop, I remember a blue wagon like this I right?

Proud smiling Chevys
Wonder is this is what the Chariot of Fire looked like that took Elijah up in a whirlwind?OK, OK, but church folks have argued over sillier things...
Prov 17:22
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