I wonder why Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. Was it a matter of trust? A member of the ruling council probably had to watch his back when meeting with this spiritual enigma of the day. Or maybe he just didn't trust Jesus and needed some personal time with him to pick his brain. What develops from this night encounter is some of the most quoted words of Christ in the Bible. Almost everyone can recite John 3:16.
I caught a glimpse of my night visitor. A Tuxedo colored cat, he (I have no idea if it is a 'he' or a 'she' so I will just call it a 'he) fled at my sight. I found an
old plastic bowl and began to put out a handful of dry dog food, and found it empty each morning. One evening, I was caught red handed by Annie with the kibbles in my hand.
"What are you doing?"
"Um, I am teaching Belle a new trick out on the patio." Annie lifted that one eyebrow she is so famous for when she knows I am stretching it.
Take a look at Belle. Do you think this old dog is ready for a new trick? I can't even lie creatively.
"Feeding that stray cat, aren't you?
Busted. She KNEW about him!
"I felt sorry for him, don't worry, I am not trying to tame him, Tux is a feral, I just don't want him to starve."
"Tux!? You have named him already? Just be sure you keep him away from MY cat!" Almost no chance the two ever crossing paths and she knew it. Blue, our indoor feline, follows Annie around the house like a newborn duckling. So I knew that I 'had her permission' to keep feeding Tux. Sorta. .
The next time Nicodemus shows up is in John 7. He defends Jesus in the midst of the Pharisees and chief priests:
"Does our law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing?" (v.50)
Their reply is rather sarcastic in tone and it is easily inferred that they were not pleased with his rejoinder. Perhaps the patience of Christ, a deeply personal night visit, a challenging spiritual discourse...perhaps these things established a trust in Nicodemus...
The next logical move was to purchase some cheap cat food for Tux. Couldn't have him eating dog food. A trip to the local grocery store rendered a bag of food that only an alley cat would eat. It was called 'Alley Cat Crunchies'. Tux didn't mind. The bowl was always empty. He began to sit on the wall and stare at me. My goal at this point was to gain his trust. I knew it was going to take time. No telling what kind of life he had endured. Tux began to come in the yard, and seemed to have no fear of Belle, and Belle simply ignored him as she has been around cats for a while now. We did have one dog-cat incident, but it involved our newest member, Millie. Golden Retriever number three
over the years... and so far, the dumbest one we have ever owned. If what they say is true about Goldens, they end up the color of their ears. In Millie's case, it appears that she will look like a fine Kentucky bourbon. She seems to already be under the influence..
Regarding the incident...You know, puppies have tons of trust. She will run headlong at the sight of Blue, who simply ignores her, turns her backside to her and trots off. The little brain that rattles in Millie's head figured that she could do the same thing with Tux. 'Tire screeching' comes to mind when Tux slapped Millie across the nose. She no longer trusts Tux. That is a good thing.
We see Nicodemus one more time in the book of John. The last part of chapter 19, he and a man named Joseph of Arimathea, ask Pilate a favor. They ask for the body of Jesus. Nicodemus was not only willing to identify with Christ among his own religious collegues, but was not ashamed to be associated with Him before the judge of Jesus' trial...perhaps the trust had become solidified.
Tux began to show up like clockwork. His 'meow' is one of the sweetest I have ever heard. He has graduated to Meow Mix, and Purina ONE is probably next. He began to sit on the wall and allow me to pour the food in his bowl, but made no attempt to eat it until I backed away. One morning, as I was pouring the food with my right hand, on a whim I gently stroked his back with my left. He arched with each stroke live a wave, as many cats do, indicating that it felt good. I also noticed a conflicted countenance; he did not know whether to bolt like a rocket or stay and enjoy the attention. He finally resolved it by retreating a few feet. I knew I had won his trust. But I also knew that I didn't need to push him any further. He was a survivor and needed a good dose of caution (the kind Millie now has around him) to continue his challenging existence.
Later that day, I came to another conclusion. Even if he would
have clawed or bit me, I would still continue to fed him. I was not looking for obedience or love in return. I realized that if a flawed man with a built in cynical gyroscope could think this way, so much more is the love and patience of God in dealing with his children who may go through times of mistrust or confusion in their spiritual walk. .Nicodemus and Joseph carefully wrapped the body of Jesus with strips of linen and spices, as was the custom of the Jewish burial process. John writes that Nicodemus brought 75 pounds of spices, a very large amount, traditionally used in royal burials. I believe Nicodemus had come to trust the King of Kings....
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