Water Colors

"Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered into the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.
1Cor. 2:9
"Well, since I’m up...I might as well get my walk in," I thought to myself on the last day of our beach vacation. " R&R is for sleeping in, what was I doing up at 5:30? No matter—Ipod charged, Sauconys laced,ok, lets go..."
30A is a wonderful stretch of beach road on the Florida Panhandle; the beach hamlets are all along this little two lane, but the best characteristic of this well traveled path is the bike/jogging lane that parallels the road through every locale, Seaside, Seagrove, Grayton Beach, and a number of other seaside resorts.
We love Seagrove, a sleepy hamlet that we discovered years ago. Overzealous developers built two multi-story condos, and the city fathers put a stop to that, no building can be over 4 stories now. If you could tear those two towers down, it would still have the same feel that it did when I was a kid when we played

A mile or so into my walk, I felt something tugging me to the left, drawing me down the public boardwalk to the beach. I have been around these beaches all of my life, but after leaning over the weather worn wooden rail gazing at the water, I began to worship God for His beautiful creation.

The dawn breakers were small, turning lazily in the shallows, much like Flipper and his friend off in the

Can you"spell" the sound that the breakers make? I tried that morning, but started laughing to myself, because every time I thought I had it figured out phonetically, another one would slowly hit the shallows and the sound would change. As the sun peeked up over the horizon, splashing the surface with silver glitter, I swallowed hard.

It was then that I heard that still, small voice saying, "There are colors that you have yet to see. There are sounds that you have yet to hear. Wait till you see what I have prepared for you in heaven."
It is no wonder John fell at His feet as a dead man after his description of the Alpha and Omega in the first chapter of Revelation. Take a few minutes and read that description of the Lord!
Getting up early while on vacation has its rewards. Sleeping in? Not so much. Thank you Lord, for waking me and searing this beautiful scene in my memory!

Prov 17:22
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